
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2018

Study guide for grammar and vocabulary exam March 8th

EXAM vocabulary and grammar Soc / Humanities and Science 2º bach. Thursday, March 8th.  Vocabulary: Unit 3 page 33, 34, 38 (revision) and 41 (useful language, giving advice)  (Three quizlet sets in your class: https://quizlet.com/class/5259174/ )       Unit 4: page 44, 46, 50 and making plans and suggestions: page 53.  (Two quizlet sets in your class) https://quizlet.com/268006212/unit-4-1-sounds-good-topic-vocabulary-and-text-on-page-46-el-sistema-flash-cards/ https://quizlet.com/271857684/unit-4-sounds-good-2-words-in-the-text-phrasal-verbs-with-make-and-expressions-related-to-pop-concerts-flash-cards/ Four selectividad texts we have done so far:  1.- How plastic became a victim of its own success. 2.- Let’s not treat life as a job. 3.- The day we met.              4.- First love loss.  Grammar:  Reported speech (pages 113,114, 115, 116). Pay special ...

Verb + Gerund, Infinitive (Stop, Remember, Forget and try)


Kahoot to practise indirect speech and expressions of contrast

Let's play kahoot and go over reported speech https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=30754402-8870-4386-9592-0e60d79aa2ef Expressions of contrast

Online exercises to practise reported speech

Click on this link and you will see a wide variety of mechanical exercises. Grammar at the top of the page, exercises at the bottom. Video, grammar and exercises to practise reported speech Reporting speech with different reporting verbs Reporting verbs Reporting verbs

Page 39 exercise 9. Casablanca (3/6) Movie CLIP - I Don't Know the Finish (1942)
